CPUC Applications

Application of Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. (U 913 E) for authorization to recover costs related to a 2019 winter storm and recorded in its catastrophic event memorandum account.

A 21-10-009

2023 General Rate Case Amendment and Supplement to Applications of Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. (U 913-E)

A 22-08-010

Notice of Application Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. Request to Increase Rates for the 2023 General Rate Case

A 22-08-010

2023-26 General Rate Case Application of Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc.

A 22-08-010

Restructured BVES Financing Application and Attachments

A 23-06

Application of Bear Valley Electric Service Inc. for Approval to Acquire, Own, and Operate the Bear Valley Battery Storage and Solar Energy Project

A 24-05-020